Gadsome is a proprietary investment company

Our investment choices reflect our true values and our goals and with the right mind and right people, we are able to build exceptional business that stands the test of time.

Gadsome provides a broad range of financial planning and investment management services to help Nigerians and Africans meet their financial goals at every stage of their lives.


Enhancing shareholder value by actively managing operating businesses and investments which can generate long-term, sustainable growth in earnings and dividends.


We have been able to maximize value on real-estate investments while continuously finding innovative ways to tackle bigger projects. Our unique and ever-growing network of partners plays a key role in our ability to offer extensive expertise to our clients. It allows us to provide the most accurate and informed service possible, thereby minimizing the risk involved.


At Gadsome we believe in Excellence, we strive to do more and be great even in the face of Adversity. The effort, will and desire to adapt is what makes us Excel


We at Gadsome have a strict Discipline, we follow the strict rules of the way to do what needs to be done.


We take action to create value for someone else. Creating value is not what we do, it is the benefit, the experience, and the value that someone else receives


We are a company  that focuses on outcome rather than process used to produce a product or deliver a service.


We are committed to bringing the best out of our businesses,  and we help businesses become more self-actualised and driven to achieve more.

What we Do!

Wealth creation through a diversified investment portfolio and opportunities

Our ideology is tailored to ensuring that we grow our businesses in Africa through the untapped human capital and natural resources – prospects. This we do by our determination to actively participate and seek opportunities in the Management Consulting, Energy Infrastructure, Real Estate, Agribusiness, Investment Management and Developmental Projects.